Dear Mind, You Matter

Adverse Childhood Experiences Are Not Destiny with Amber Anderson

Episode Summary

In this episode, we talk to Amber Anderson about adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), how those affect brain development, the difference one adult can make and the joy of finding Frozen-themed yoga.

Episode Notes

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For the safety of our listeners, we want to note that the following episode may contain information that some may find triggering and/or may not be suitable for younger audiences. Listening discretion is advised. 

Amber Anderson is a Southern Region Prevention Specialist with Prevent Child Abuse Illinois. She is a seasoned foster/adoptive parent who loves researching and learning more about trauma, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Positive Childhood Experiences. She is a strong believer in helping children and meeting them where they are at to get them the help and services they need. She is an avid camper and lover of the outdoors and works hard to pass that love on to the kiddos in her care. She’s married with one biological child, two children adopted from foster care, and currently one foster child. For more information please visit,

Memorable Moments: 

8:44: One of the coping skills that we teach our kiddos, when we see them maybe getting too hyper or maybe emotions are coming out...we take them out to the tree. They can beat up the tree, they can run around the tree, they can yell at the tree, whatever it is that they need to do. And that’s one of my favorite coping skills that I see with my kiddos because it gives them a place where, maybe they're not ready to talk to an adult or they’re not ready to talk to someone about what they’ve been through but they know that tree isn’t going to tell someone else.

9:56: One [coping skill] we use a lot is a positive outlook. Higher ACE scores tend to have very negative outlooks on life. On the way to daycare, my husband will have the kids say “good morning, it’s a beautiful day”. They started saying that to the cows, to trees, whatever they see on the way to daycare.

14:04: Like I said, it takes one caring adult to make all the difference. That could be a teacher that’s just willing to say “hey, let me help you on that homework.” You don’t know what’s going on in these kiddos’ households, so having just somebody that’s willing to step up and say “hey, I got you. Let me help you with this.” 

15:34: There are so many different resources out there right now. “Self care” is such a buzz word right now. We’re coming out of a pandemic, we’ve all been trapped in our houses with 4 kids and trying not to lose our minds and trying to work from home, we’ve all got stuff going on. We tried Frozen-themed yoga. It’s laugh therapy mixed in with yoga and it’s fantastic. Just finding something that you like to do. That’s what works for us.

Dear Mind, You Matter is brought to you by NOBU, a new mental health, and wellness app. To download NOBU, visit the app store or Google Play. 

This podcast is hosted by Allison Walsh  and Dr. Angela Phillips. It is produced by Allison Walsh, Ashley Tate, and Nicole LaNeve. For more information or if you’re interested in being a guest on this podcast, please visit