Dear Mind, You Matter

Discovering Your Own Unique Energy with Megan Seamans

Episode Summary

In this episode we talk to Megan Seamans about energy coaching, finding balance in life and human design.

Episode Notes

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Megan is an International Life & Energy Coach. For the past 6 years, she’s supported women to tap into their magic and confidently lead their life. Through transformative coaching sessions and discovering their unique Human Design, she takes women from overwhelmed and stuck to crystal clear, confident, and purposeful. Megan is passionate about working with female business owners, change-makers, and leaders to reawaken their full authentic selves. So they can create the impact they were born to make without fear, doubt, or people pleasing standing in the way.

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Memorable Moments: 

2:31 I felt like I was doing it all wrong, even though I was following all of the steps that everyone said you should be following. 

3:31 And I just started saying yes to all of these things that before felt so scary or so out of reach, and I built this really beautiful life.

4:24 Because no matter what the chapter is and no matter what you build outside of yourself, there you are. You’re coming along for the journey.

6:39 The more we can discover our own unique energy and the more we can uncover how we actually want to operate, the more we can show up in relationships and in our career and on teams from a space of “I’m me, you’re you, let's do that together.” And really honor that we all show up differently. And I just think it's such a gift to learn that, know that and express that to the world.

8:12 That first step for having that reset is getting to know yourself and more importantly, beginning to shed the stories that aren't you. Because so often with our energy, like we're trying to run our energy as if we were someone else. 

8:46 Getting to know what actually feels good for you instead of how you think you should be showing up, I think, is the first step for that reset.

13:47 To me, balance is actually about noticing when your scales are tipping too far to one side, when you're getting really heavy in one area of your life, and then to be able to take yourself back to center. And that doesn't mean it's going to stay permanently.

16:03 Human design brings these contrasts together, and shows you how you can use these different traits and energy and ways of showing up with the least amount of resistance.

20:13 At this point in my life, what matters most to me right now is connection.

Dear Mind, You Matter is brought to you by NOBU, a new mental health, and wellness app. To download NOBU, visit the app store or Google Play. 

This podcast is hosted by Allison Walsh  and Dr. Angela Phillips. It is produced by Allison Walsh, Ashley Tate, and Nicole LaNeve. For more information or if you’re interested in being a guest on this podcast, please visit

Episode Transcription

Allison:  00:02

Hello and welcome to the dear mind, do you matter podcast? My name is Allison Walsh. I'm a longtime mental health advocate and vice president at Advanced Recovery Systems. On each episode I will be joined by my colleague and clinical expert, Dr. Angela Phillips. This show along with our mental health and wellness app, Nobu are just some of the ways we're working to provide you with actionable tips and tools to take really good care of yourself each and every day. So sit back, relax and grab your favorite note taking device, it's time to fill your mind with things that matter. Megan Siemens is an international life and energy coach for the past six years, she's helped women to tap into their magic and confidently lead their life, their transformative coaching sessions in discovering their unique human design. She takes women from overwhelmed and stuck to Crystal Clear, confident and purposeful. Megan is passionate about working with female business owners change makers and leaders to reawaken their full authentic selves, so they can create the impact they were born to make, without fear, doubt or people pleasing standing in the way. Okay, well, Megan, we are so excited that you are on our show today, would you mind introducing yourself to our audience would love

Megan Seamans  01:13

to so I'm Megan Siemens, I like an energy coach. And I love to support people to reawaken their magic. Get rid of all of the things like people pleasing, fear, doubt, move them out of their way, and just to fully optimize your energy and live a life that feels fully alive.

Allison:  01:33

I'm all about living fully alive and optimizing energy and like being my best self, as are so many people that are tuning in today. So let's just take it back a notch before we jump into much to what you're doing now. Because I want to get into that too. But how did you get into this? Because I think there's always a beautiful story behind an awakening, right? And so let's start there so that we can really paint the picture for our audience.

Megan Seamans  01:58

Yeah, I love that. I feel like my awakening has happened in like parts. Like there's been many chapters to it, if you will. So for me, I can get really kick started as I was navigating, what was what ended up being the end of my time in university, I thought I was going to be there forever and ever the route that I was going, I changed my major seven times, I was navigating, just loads of anxiety and exhaustion and not feeling like I was fitting in. I felt like I was doing it all wrong, even though I was following all of the steps that everyone said you should be following. And one night I was house sitting at my parents house. And it was probably the first time like during my college career that I was alone. And like no roommates around no one hanging out with me. And I just heard this voice of like, what if you just said yes to you, nervously? That's weird. It's like, where did that come from? And I was like, I don't even know what to do with that. And I heard it again. And I was like, Okay, well, let's just see what that looks like. And from there, I went into my guidance counselor's office, I was like, what's gonna get me out the fastest because what's a yes, for me right now is I want to be done with this chapter. So I ended up graduating with a degree. And then from there, I moved from my home state, I started three businesses, I started traveling the world. And I just started saying yes to all of these things that before felt so scary or so out of reach, and I built this really beautiful life. And it felt really amazing on the external. And I realized in 2018, that I hadn't really been paying attention to the internal, the foundations. And in 2018, I ended up losing my big brother, and I call it the year that it felt like a freight train hit me, because life just came all at once. And because I hadn't listened to those internal foundations. I was like, done, I actually have no capacity to deal with any of this. I, I don't feel equipped to navigate this. And I just felt like what happened. And that's when I really got into energy and into human design and into really taking care of this foundation. Because no matter what the chapter is and no matter what you build outside of yourself, there you are. You’re coming along for the journey.

Allison:  04:31

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction or mental health issues, we encourage you to reach out to us today. Advanced Recovery Systems is a leading behavioral health care company with locations across this country. Don't hesitate, call us today at 855-409-1753. That's 855-409-1753 help is just a phone call away. Well, thank you for sharing that too. And I think There's, there's so many parts in your story. And you're right, like it does kind of come in parts in waves, right as things evolve, and as we evolve, but there's so many really relatable things that you talked about. So many people have experienced loss, unfortunately, especially over the last couple of years, a lot of people have had an awakening or just no thank you to the life they were once living. And for many of our listeners, they've done a hard reset on really their entire lives, right, maybe even starting their journey in recovery, or really starting to prioritize their mental health and themselves, maybe for the first time. So I love that you were able to share some of that, because I can see those points of connection, I always love to be able to call those out in case case they flew by, you know, as they were listening. So, but let's talk about energy coaching. And I want to talk about both energy coaching and human design because I'm fascinated, and we were so blessed to have you come in and do a workshop for our team, which I just loved. But let's talk about that. Because I think that sometimes people are just like, okay, energy coaching, that sounds amazing. But like, what is that? And like? How does that play into my life? Why should I prioritize that? How can that help me? So let's talk a little bit more about that first,

Megan Seamans  06:13

big question. So what energy coaching is very tangibly is it's kind of like life coaching meets spiritual coaching. What is energy? To me, energy is everything. Like you're energy, I'm energy, and we're constantly responding to energy around us. And why it's so important is because of that, because everything is energy, and the more we can discover our own unique energy and the more we can uncover how we actually want to operate, the more we can show up in relationships and in our career and on teams from a space of “I’m me, you’re you, let's do that together.” And really honor that we all show up differently. And I just think it's such a gift to learn that, know that and express that to the world.

Allison:  07:09

I agree. 1,000%. And I one of my favorite sayings is your energy introduces you even before you speak. And I think that we have to be so mindful of that, right? Because it does and how you show up on a day to day basis how you're received, perceived everything like starts at that core. But for a lot of people, this has been harder than most seasons of life to find that or to prioritize that or even though to know like, how to reset that. So you work with a lot of people on their own energy and how to maximize it how to be really intentional. So can we dig into maybe a couple tips that you might have for our audience? If they're feeling like, you know, they need a little reset here. So let's go What can we do right now to kind of help us Yeah, to a higher her higher vibe, higher frequency, energy.

Megan Seamans  07:59

You know, I think the first step is really deeply getting to know yourself. And I love to use human design as a tool to do that, which we can certainly dive into a little bit today. But I do think that first step for having that reset is getting to know yourself and more importantly, beginning to shed the stories that aren't you. Because so often with our energy, like we're trying to run our energy as if we were someone else. And the truth about our energy is we're not all designed to operate on like a Go Go Go Go vote mentality. Like some of us are, some of us are more designed to like go in sprints, and then take a break and cool off and then go in another sprint and then take a break. Whereas for other people, it's like marathon that feels much better. And so getting to know what actually feels good for you, instead of how you think you should be showing up, I think is the first step for that reset. And then noticing the things that do fill you up and drain you out. Noticing what fills up that energy gauge because energy is all unseen, right? So there actually isn't like a tangible gauge we can see I wish there was but noticing, noticing what does that for you like what does fill up your energetic tank and what completely drained it out? Because so often we don't actually check in with our energy until we're at burnout. And we're like, Whoa, where'd my energy go? I have nothing left to give. And so noticing well, before you get there, what is it that fills you up? And what is it that drains you out so that you can have more of what fills you up and start creating solutions for what drains you out?

Allison:  09:36

And that's really important for us to like keep a pulse on because it mean that this is everything. This is like social situations. This is work. This is personal relationships. These are you know, there's so many things that if you really take audit, I mean I've noticed in the past when I've just really been conscious and conscientious of like what I'm doing like how do I feel Right now, do I feel good? Do I feel depleted? Right, like so important just even ask that question of yourself as you go throughout the day. But, you know, I think we can kind of get into this routine where it's just you feel like on autopilot, and then you wonder why you're exhausted at the end of the day. So I imagine that there's a lot of people that have gone through seasons of burnout that would benefit tremendously from learning some of the techniques and skills and tips that you have to offer. So have you seen an increase in burnout amongst your clientele?

Megan Seamans  10:29

Oh, absolutely. And you know, I think it it connects back to even when I was talking about in the beginning and my story, we've had more opportunity to have space where we're now working from home, whether you know, our work has come home with us, and it stayed home with us since because it became like a shift in the company that you're working for. Or you worked from home, and now you're back in the office. And there's just been these new gaps of space created for people. And like you were mentioning a moment ago, like we're so often running on autopilot, we don't have those gaps of space to hear what's actually going on. And so all the sudden, where these these spaces came in, people were like, Whoa, something's off. What is that? Or Whoa, I kind of like this whole working from home thing. What is that? Because for the past 12 years, that's not what I've been doing. And what do I even do with that? So yeah, absolutely. There's been a like an uptick in that. And I really think that's because that space has come through.

Allison:  11:35

Yeah, well, and it's so interesting that you mentioned that because I was actually chatting with a friend the other day, and I said to them, I said, I drastically, like, didn't want to want to say drastically, I definitely didn't give credit to the amount of energy that it took just for me to like drive to work, right. So like, I am very productive in the car, right? Like, I get a lot of stuff done phone calls, or I listen to something that like fills me up. But I have to be really intentional, especially on my drive home. Because, you know, I know we live in Central Florida, both of us do and crazy drivers and traffic and interstates. And like I know we're not alone. Like I know people all over the world face this, but like, it is crazy on the way home. And I feel like I take my life in my hand every inch of the way. And I noticed that I get home. I'm just like, so zapped right? Even if I leave the office, and I'm like, Oh, this is great. And then I get on my phone. I'm like, Oh my gosh. You know, but I have to really be intentional so that when I show up at home, like I'm not completely depleted, but I think being really mindful of that too of, okay, well, what can I do to kind of preserve on the way home so that I can show up and be a great mom and a great wife, and a great daughter? Because my mom's always there. And I don't want to be snippy. You know, so those types of things too. But it's super helpful. And I know that people benefit tremendously. Our team benefited tremendously from learning more. And I loved before we switch over to the human design side, which I'm really fascinated on. You use this really cool analogy when it came to like the balancing scales in your presentation. Would you mind sharing more about this because I think naturally, this term balance gets so overplayed, and I think we're all over it at this point, like, but I loved the way that you explained it because it's not necessarily being even Right. Like, can you just go into this a little bit more? I know, there's no visual representation on a podcast. But it would be great if we could explain this for our listeners, because I thought this was super helpful.

Megan Seamans  13:28

Yeah, absolutely. So you know, I think people we hear all the time like balances is a myth, you're never gonna have balance. And to me, that's because I believe people are looking at balanced like perfect, perfectly balanced scales where there's two scales, and they're perfectly weighted on each side. But to me, balance is actually about noticing when your scales are tipping too far to one side, when you're getting really heavy in one area of your life, and then to be able to take yourself back to center and that doesn't mean it's going to stay permanently. But to me, the problem when it comes to balance is when we're unbalanced and unaware, because something gets so heavy that we've tipped so far over that we burn out or completely pour out. And so being able to just tip your scales back and forth, not making it I have to spend five hours in this area of my life and five hours in this area in my life to feel perfectly balanced. No, it's more about what is off balance and how can you tip your scale back to center?

Allison:  14:30

Yeah, I loved it. And it's so funny because, you know, you talk to different team members are like remember when energy coach Megan said and I was like yes, I remember when energy coach Megan said this, but it's stuck. Right. And I think the visual of that those skills tipping. I think we are always striving for that perfect balance, but it's really knowing when you need to adjust yourself so really valuable. Okay, so human design, we're going to do a hard pivot and I know it's probably not that hard of a pivot but I am fascinated by this and if you For listening right now, we really haven't talked about this too much on the podcast. So this is like new info like new alert, everybody listening, pay attention. So let's talk about human design. If you could just give a baseline of like, what is it if people haven't heard about it, and then we can get into all the cool stuff that goes along with it?

Megan Seamans  15:17

Yes, so human design is literally the science of differentiation. So it's the study of how every single human being is different. So all you need to find your human design is your birthday time and location, you pop it into a free generator online, and it pops out your human design, which is basically if I had to sum it up, it's like every personality test you've ever taken, wrapped into a bow, it has this way of bringing all your unique contrasts in which is what really drew me into it. Because, you know, I knew these things like I test I always test as an introvert, but then everyone's like, You're not an introvert. Like you're so full of energy. And my astrology is I'm a Leo. So I was like, How do I put these things together. And so human design brings these contrasts together, and shows you how you can use these different traits and energy and ways of showing up with the least amount of resistance.

Allison:  16:16

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Okay, so step one, everybody put in all your stats and figure out what you are. Okay, so then what, right? Because I know like, once you know it, once you're equipped with that knowledge and information, I know all of these assessments just are so valuable when it comes to like raising your self awareness. So what do you encourage people to do once they know what they are? And how do they then take that to enhance who they are? How they show up what they lean into? Can we go there for a little bit?

Megan Seamans  17:13

Yeah, so when you pull your human design, you're gonna see a lot of stuff. It's crazy looking body graph, along with actual written words, like at the top of the chart. And so human designs basically like layers. And so I encourage people to take it layer by layer, starting with what's called your type. And so you'll see that written somewhere around your chart when you pull it. And there's five main energy types. And I always encourage people to start there, while remembering that there are so many more layers in human design. So just starting there and uncovering like, what is this and there's so much free human design information out there, it's so accessible on the internet, like if you just search like your type, when it comes up, you'll find everything about that. And so just starting to dive into that first layer, which is all about how your energy is made, just show up with the most use. So noticing what your type is and starting to dive into that and not going too far down the rabbit hole until you start with that first letter.

Allison:  18:19

Yeah, I mean, it's incredible. And I've heard just so many cool people chiming in on this topic and you being one of them, but for those that are interested, it's manifest errs, generators, manifesting generators, projectors and reflectors, right. So nailed it, nailed it. Look at me winning on the human design side. Like it is fascinating though. Like, you know, I was always the kid that was taking the quiz in the back of the magazine growing up, and I, you know, I went through my paws like certification, positive psychology, Coach certification, and I had to do all of these assessments, right. And I was paired with somebody who's actually human design coach, and that that was the first time that I really had any exposure to it. So now I'm just like, totally, you know, intrigued and fascinated. And I think when you couple it again, with like that level of awareness, what you need, and you layer in all these other things, right? Like, I mean, even like your Enneagram, your StrengthsFinder, or your ba assessment, your love language, it's like, oh, my gosh, there's so much good stuff out there. And then you just feel that much more confident. And things start to make sense. And I think for so many of us, we go through different periods in life where we're like, Why do I feel like this? Or why am I not into this? I thought I would be or I thought this is what success felt like. And it's not. Sometimes you just have to do a reset or look at everything in front of you, like who you actually are, and define what life should look like for you later or what success looks like for you specifically, not what it means for somebody else. So, so important. I love being empowered with knowledge. So do that if you haven't taken that and I'm sure Megan you'd be happy to dig in deeper with anybody if they reached out to you. So definitely reach out to Megan if that's something you're interested in. But You know that we love to talk about a lot of things that are meaningful, right on this show. And so we ask all of our guests at this point at this point in your life, what matters most to you right now.

Megan Seamans  20:13

At this point in my life, what matters most to me right now is a connection. That is a huge theme in my life. And it's in my human design as well.

Allison:  20:27

living your truth.

Megan Seamans  20:30

That's right, but sort of being connected with the ones I love, consciously connecting as well, like, not just hey, how's it going, like, oh, cool, we're fine. I'm fine. Really consciously connecting, having those deep conversations with people, deep and meaningful conversations, and just really feeling each other human to human. I think that's just so special. And the people in my life are just so meaningful. And I couldn't imagine like doing this life without my support team

Allison:  21:03

who wants to do that, that's life is too short, you got to be surrounded by the people that matter most. And I know, I certainly value every time I get to physically step in a room with people after so many years of not, and just embracing and I really hope that we don't lose sight of that, you know, as time passes. And as things open up more just appreciating the time we get to spend with other people, and what does that look like? And how do we continue to pour into others and you know, really find true connection true. relatability and being there for one another? So definitely, I love that. So Megan, if people are interested in connecting with you or following you, where should they go? What should they do?

Megan Seamans  21:44

Well, you can find me all over the internet with my name, I've got a nice easy name that no one else has. So at Meghan Siemens on Instagram, and again, is my website. And I have a fun free human design guide as well. If you are curious to dive into some more of those layers, learn a little bit more about your type, and learn what all those colors, shapes and lines that you're looking at are when you do pull up your chart online.

Allison:  22:11

Awesome. Well, I know I'll be downloading. So thank you for that. And thank you for being on our show today. We appreciate you.

Megan Seamans  22:17

Thank you so much. So grateful.

Allison:  22:23

Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. If you're not already subscribed, we hope you join us regularly. And please leave us a five star review wherever you get your podcasts if you enjoyed the show. We hope that this podcast is beneficial to you and your wellness journey. Dear mind you matter is brought to you by Nobu, a new mental health and wellness app. You can download it today using the link in our show notes. We will talk to you next time and until then remember you and your mind matter